"Since I have undertaken to manhandle this Leviathan, it behooves me to approve myself omnisciently exhaustive in the enterprise; not overlooking the minutest seminal germs of his blood, and spinning him out to the uttermost coil of his bowels." H.M.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011



It is a heavily traditional practice for men to drive/fly several hours (wasting tons of fuel) to a god-forsaken hole in the desert, fill their bodies with a toxic by-product that could kill them (or at the very least aid them in making some terrible decisions), fondle and degrade slimy-naked women, and act like complete douche bags.

This is all of course a celebration for one of the group members of these parties who is shortly going to pledge his fidelity and love to one women (Who of course will not be present on the above-mentioned rant).

This has now gone beyond a singular cultural practice of a single element of American society, and now transcends color and creed. (Hell, that movie the "hangover" was awesome!)

For a moment, just consider this one little cultural norm, and then compare it to some of the things that both sides of the aisle have convictions about.

A majority of people who would agree that the above is "all gravy" would also think:

1. "Marijauna is a gateway drug, that will be the downfall of our society. Alcohol is just part of America, and moderation keeps us in check."

2. "Gays will ruin marriage if they get the right to legally do it. "

3.   "The First Amendment should protect everyone- including people who are on that show on dateline."

4. "We live in a true Democracy" or "Socialism works" (You are both idiots).

5. "The War in iraq and Afghanistan is about protecting America"

6." Education can be fixed by money or....... making it harder for teachers to get through school"

7. "protesting actually works, and is not just another emotional game."

Just think for a second about how the "common" bachelor party and all of its contradictions to the majority's basic morality compare to some of the above-mentioned American values. Maybe I am crazy, but it seems to me that we are so backwards, we don't know which way is up.

We need to be reminded that there is no way for finite and weak humans, to remain black-and-white in such a complex world. We either need to fight hand and fist to break off the chains of contradictions, or accept that we are all hypocrites and start being nice to each other.

There are a major amount of people suffering from injustice and tragedy all over the world.

However, really we are all suffering.