"Since I have undertaken to manhandle this Leviathan, it behooves me to approve myself omnisciently exhaustive in the enterprise; not overlooking the minutest seminal germs of his blood, and spinning him out to the uttermost coil of his bowels." H.M.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Educational reform

As the media continues its onslaught on public education I often wonder why try anymore? They are out there.......those teachers that will change the world. The problem is that they are riding a dying star, and will probably end up in the advertising business, or as stay at home moms. Then we will be left with the politicians and the unions imploding. The inmates are running the prison, and we don't mean bad kids.....

So let's sum up what is needed now:

Something unconventional- was a trend- now a continuing smile for some

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

These uncharted waters of political and economic ADHD are the new and dangerous frontier.

To all the gay hating Fascist Conservatives, and crooked lying Liberals,,,,,,,,,the ship is going down, 
and you are all to Blame.

It is now 8:21am on the West Coast, election day 2010. Some individuals in this country are in a frenzy, to either participate in this "great and Democratic process" or they are scratching and clawing their way to a seat in Congress.  However it is my contention that the majority of Americans could care less.


Not because I don't believe in a free and truly democratic society, but because this machine done broke itself many moons ago. There is no more process in regards to candidates doing their best to address the issues and questions that many of us have. There is no more "whistle stop" campaigns, or critical debates.
There is no longer even a discourse or exploration of the actual problems facing our nation or the much LARGER world out there. Its not even really about the Dolla Bills anymore. Even the evil "powers that be"who pull all the strings don't know what the hell to do now. These uncharted waters of political and economic ADHD are the new and dangerous frontier.

You see we are not a true democracy (if you disagree or do not believe me, read a history book, or just a simple dictionary). We are also not really even a Republic anymore.  Today's process of government is about stickin it to the other guy, and plainly...... entertainment. Between the electoral process, the impossible task of third party recognition, and voter fraud, have killed your choice.

'They" want to control you and manipulate you in to buying in to the grandiose myth that we need to get back to some over inflated version of the 1950s, when America was Great for All!!!!
And you sadly believe that those days actually existed for all Americans. And You want to be entertained. The connections between  art, expression, politics, civics, and democracy have been infected by "Created reality." Yes, I am talking about reality TV, and its bastard cousin- Network News. Turn on the TV right now.

Tea Party, Liberal, Democrat, Neo-Conservative, the fucking Tea Party, Sarayyy Paallan, Bushy Bush, Obama tron, Saturday Night Live, FOX,  jen Beck and Chris Matthews making out in the corner. Its all a really long version of Jersey Shore. And hell, at least Snookie and the Situation know that they are actors.

So today, if you do go to the poll, please recognize that while you should vote (at the very least, to reminisce about the ideals of true Democracy), it is a waist of time. "They" are not going to listen, and neither are you. And NONE OF OUR POLITICIANS ARE GOING TO PUT LOGIC IN FRONT OF PRIDE.

The change we need is not a bloody revolution or another election of "Change". The future will be better if we stop watching, start creating, and look for the smallest thing we can change in ourselves each day. I for one have lost all hope in our electorate, our politicians, our new left and new right media, and anyone else who still looks at wealth as the measure of American success. WE are All Losing every moment of every day, and we will continue to fall in to the depths of hell unless we can finally and collectively discover reality.....maybe for the first time.